About MTCC

Who Are We?

The Malaysian-Thai Chamber of Commerce (MTCC) was established in 2002 as an association primarily composed of Malaysian and Thai companies and entrepreneurs. MTCC assumes a major role in promoting closer collaboration between Malaysian and Thai companies and entrepreneurs, and continuously enhances its networking with respective governments to promote and develop economic relations in line with its objectives.

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Our Objectives..

MTCC aims to promote and develop economic relations between Malaysia and Thailand. Events and seminars are organized regularly throughout the year to provide advice and information for its members to gain better understanding and operate their business more effectively in the Malaysia and Thailand environment.

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Expectations on MTCC

MTCC is expected to assume an important and critical role as both the Malaysia and Thai governments continuously push for the strengthening of bilateral cooperation. There is an ongoing steady flow of Malaysian companies entering into Thailand for investment. Equally encouraging is the interest shown by many Thai companies to expand their business relations with Malaysia. MTCC would continue to encourage Thai companies to invest in Malaysia and undertake joint venture as part of its work programme for year 2004.

As part of MTCC’s effort to create greater awareness of opportunities in both Malaysia and Thailand, it has started the publication of monthly newsletters.

What Do We Do?

MTCC has been working closely with the Embassy of Malaysia in Thailand as part of its efforts to further promote and strengthen the economic relations between both countries. MTCC has assisted and facilitated the visits of several Malaysian Ministers and officials.

Over the past years, MTCC has been involved in several programmes, including helping to organize a luncheon addressed by the Prime Minister of Malaysia to Thai business community in 2002. In addition, MTCC has been actively organizing business meetings with visiting Malaysian business delegations, networking dinners and gatherings.