CAI Co., Ltd.


CAI Co., Ltd.

Nature of Business: Social Enterprise

Contact Information

Chamber Representative

Mrs. Tongjai Thanachanan

Managing Director

About Us

Our vision is “Collaboration for the better of ASEAN’s connectivity” which has become our core philosophy. Among our primary missions,            C asean strives to be a hub for ASEAN entrepreneurs and ASEAN future generations focusing on business, startups, and ASEAN arts and culture.

At C asean, we aim to provide a networking platform for collaboration among business leaders and young generations across the region to support the development of the ASEAN Community through various connectivity initiatives.

Equally important, C asean serves as a platform for ASEAN arts and cultural dialogues, as we believe in art and culture as an essential tool to blend our heritages and create special bond of harmonious friendship and a people oriented ASEAN identity.